LAKE WACCAMAW, N.C. -- In the 2025-2026 school year, Thomas Academy will add 3rd, 4th and 5th grades to its school community. Currently, the public charter school is a middle and high school.
The addition of three new grades of elementary school students was spurred by a push to keep siblings together through Boys & Girls Homes, where the school is located, said the school's principal Dr. Cathy Gantz.
"We will combine grade levels to make this happen," she said. "The teachers are gearing up now for the transition." The school is working with consultants from Raleigh Triangle International to meet with teachers twice a month to train them in a 6th and 7th grade blended unit of study. The school's Board of Directors is making final decisions for which grades will be combined depending on school enrollments for the fall. Thomas Academy's Open Enrollment period is currently active through April 1. The school's small class sizes and emphasis on individualized education has been a draw for many parents and students from Columbus County.
Keeping siblings together has been a major focus for Boys & Girls Homes as part of its residential group home program for the last two years. President Marc Murphy thought it made sense to match that focus in the on-campus school.
"One of our younger kiddos came up to me and asked why he couldn't go to Thomas Academy since his brother was going there," he said. "Well, I thought, why not?" Historically, Boys Home had an elementary school on campus when the school was first founded in 1966. The school has since changed its grade configurations to a middle and high school first called Flemington Academy and now Thomas Academy.
If you are interested in applying for your child to attend Thomas Academy, click here.